Ayiiia Elizarraras

Ayiiia was the realworldcasting.com winner, who was awarded an appearance on the show thanks to her loyal friends who worked together to win the contest. Ayiiia is of Mexican heritage and is bilingual in Spanish however it's the first time that she's traveled in Mexico for a prolonged period. It's clear that she speaks her thoughts. She's a little funny, which can make her feel uncomfortable with other roommates. It turns out that living in the Real World's household is more challenging than what she expected. Ayiiia is a reformed party girl with a history of cutting and drug use. Ayiiia cannot forget anyone even if she claims to love them and be non-judgmental. Ayiiia started a romance with a different woman. She was living with her mother and her mother in San Diego and was looking for a new home for herself prior to the reunion. In the course of the reunion, it was disclosed that she and Jonna weren't close due to conflicts they experienced when filming.

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